Calling all sausage experts and amateurs! Treendale Farm Hotel is thrilled to host the ultimate celebration of sausages - our highly anticipated annual Sausage Making Competition.
We invite you to unleash your creativity and showcase your culinary skills. It's time to put your favourite flavours, secret family recipes, and innovative twists to the test. Starting in June, the entire community is invited to register their interest to compete!
The stakes are high, and the competition fierce so be sure to join us for our Winners Party on September 16th where our esteemed panel of judges will pick the winner at 4:30pm.
Entry opens: 27th June 2023
Contestants can register their interest by emailing before August 31st.
Prize for two categories:
Category 1: Sweet
Category 2: Hot
Sausage can only be entered into 1 category
One entry per person
South West WA Residents Only
Sausage must be entered in a vacuum bag
Entry slip to be fully completed upon handing over entry.
So, roll up your sleeves, gather your ingredients, and let your imagination run wild.